Textpattern Plugin: wyn_email_publish (Sync TXP to Live Space)

#textpattern #plugin

UPDATE 2008-03-28: 已上传至 Google Codes: wyn-txp-plugins

It has been uploaded to Google Codes: wyn-txp-plugins

如果msn messenger那个联系人边上的小星星能够反映除了live space以外其他blog的更新,那么这个插件绝对不会出现。。。

Wordpress有个一样功能的插件dj-email-publish, 不过自从换到Textpattern之后就一直没找到同样的插件,最近搭错了神经自己动手写

好吧,我承认我很懒,以至于没有写任何的配置页面,连Post的style甚至email地址都全部hard coding了。。。挨骂了再改吧


  1. 安装插件

  2. 编辑插件,找到 txpHtmlMail (“[email protected]”, $Title, $body); 一行,修改 [email protected] 为你的邮件地址

  3. 激活插件


I will never write this if the star beside contact list of msn messenger will be showed after I update my TXP blog.


  1. Install plugin

  2. Edit plugin, find txpHtmlMail (“[email protected]”, $Title, $body); line and change [email protected] to your target email address.

  3. Active plugin
